The Start of My Journey to Motherhood

My entire pregnancy (and even before) I️ preached I️ would do a natural birth, no drugs! A little over 10 hours into labor and I️ was still sticking to that notion. I️ was proud of myself for being so “strong”. Obviously, I️ was in a world of pain and the screams and cries showed that, but I️ still refused the epidural. I️ had faith in myself. 

For all the mothers out there, you know the pain is only when the contraction is happening, but once it ends there’s absolutely no pain. So In between my contractions we would sit and talk, but the second a contraction came I️ began my breathing techniques and the second it stopped I️ went back to laughing. My contractions were only 15 seconds every 2-3 minutes. The photo above is moments before everything changed. I️ had a contraction that lasted almost EIGHT MINUTES. That contraction changed everything. It took over my whole body and I️ honestly didn’t think it would stop. The nurse helped me up from the chair and lied me on the bed to check if I️ was dilating (she thought I️ was about to have the baby). Before this contraction I️ was at 3cm dilated... after this contraction I️ was STILL AT 3 CENTIMETERS. At that point the doctor said I️ needed pitocin to speed the process along, after all we were almost 11 hours into labor and risks aspire if in labor longer than 24 hours after your water breaking. At the rate I️ was going naturally, there was no way my son would be here in 13 hours. The doctor said with the pitocin and the last contraction I️ had it would be best to receive the epidural. I️ was reluctant, but agreed.

 Honestly, I️ was so scared to have this needle shoved into my back, I️ thought the guy was going to paralyze me.Once I️ received the epidural it became a whole new experience. An experience I️ loved! I️ was able to sleep which I️ hadn’t done since the night before. The entire experience became peaceful. Looking back I️ do not regret receiving the epidural. Honestly, I️ wish I️ would have accepted it a lot earlier in the process. When we have our next baby I️ think I’ll receive the epidural to make sure the entire process is one I️ can enjoy, after all, it is one of the best days a mother will ever experience in her life.

Our baby boy, Johnathan, was born June 29th, 2017 at 12:16 pm. He was 8lbs 7oz and is a beautiful blessing as he was the start of my journey to motherhood.
